As the month long holding period for the Oxbow Ride The Sky - Presented by Naish, drew to a close, conditions didn't present themselves to hold the official event. That didn't stop the EpicSessions.tv crew on Wednesday April 27th from holding a live test of the realtime jump data system and we opened up the livestream video to the world as we let the world's best windsurfers get wired with the latest in sports motion capture technology.
The concept is simple - take the best sailors and cut them loose on the water with the goal to hit the highest jumps possible. The technical challenge is anything but simple. EpicSessions.tv had to equip the riders with technology that measures their performance in realtime and transmit the jump data to our servers back on the mainland and then world-wide to the audience online.
It was an amazing day. We were scheduled for 2 hours and ended up broadcasting for 4+ hours and the riders had a gas doing what they do best. Going big, hanging with their friends and just having fun. No worries about getting screwed by the judges. After all, if you wanna win, you gotta go bigger than anyone else. Its objective scoring at its best, and it showed as the riders were relaxed and stoked when they went big, or their buddies boosted even higher.
We have a lot more in store this summer, not only in Windsurfing, but in other amazing sports as well. We invite you to stay tuned as we venture into uncharted territories with this groundbreaking technology.
The results are as follows :
Leo- 28.2ft
Jesse- 25.3ft
Jukno- 15.7ft
Levi- 21.6ft
Brawzino- 30.9ft
Patrick- 21.76ft
Bernd- 20.51ft
Fillippi- 28.39ft
Francisco- 25.53
Ricardo- 31.32ft
Kai K.- 18.39ft
Polakow- 35.8ft
Nico- 26.58ft
Glen- 21.34ft
Diego- 24.54ft
Timo- 20.8ft
Huge props to all the riders for their patience, feedback and stoke about our little project. Their stoke feeds ours and in turns, drives us to create products that enrich their experiences and spread their stoke across the globe.