I love the Gorge. I love sailing big swell at the Wall and rocket ramps at Arlington. But gimme a killer day at the Hatchery, and I'm in Heaven. On this day (July 11), I had some downtime with my elbow so I parked on the rocks for a bit and caught some of the action. I was getting killed on a 4.0 that I borrowed from Casey - and most guys my size were on 3.7's.
Friday 3 14 25 morning call
4 hours ago
NICE VID! Well done, great action.
That was kick ass!! That was one fuuunnn day.
Damn, that is pretty crazy, the dude with the baby on his back!! Especially in 3.7m wind and Gorge swell/conditions, water temps, etc..! I guess there is no "day care" there at the Hatchery...if I even contemplated (not that I would...) taking our 9 month old out strapped to my back in 3.7m conditions, my wife would KILL ME!!
I definitely would find a baby sitter for the day or work a deal with her to leave him warm and dry, and save his first windsurfing rides for "calmer" days, especially at that age!
Front loops, back loops and big crashes. That kid was hanging on for deal life!
The best part were the tourists who didn't get it at first when they saw him. Damn, it was funny. One of them was about to call 911 on him until she realized it was a doll. ROTFL!
Great Video David.
The baby-on-board was hilarious. I still love watching Dale Cook's altitude and hang-time, and some of the moves those guys make in nukin conditions are unreal. I know the telephoto distorts distance, but sheesh, the shrapnel there looks out of control!
It was super choppy that day. Uglier than usual. (less water flow in the river)
Thank's so funny, we got a lot of the same footage. Great job.
Trudy Lary
Great video. You are a classic case of natural talent.
Best action at The Gorge I've seen yet. Good job. The boards flying downwind reminded me of the time a guy pointed a gun at me...
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